Too Much Snow
So the snow slid off the barn roof but there was too much and it had nowhere to go.
Bad Tree
So I went out to put the goats grain in their outside pen only to find a tree had fallen on the fence. They are good enough at getting...
Hair cut
Natasha and Coconut got a hair cut today, It seems to have made Natasha a little itchy, but I was a cute picture. She reminds me of a...
They are finnaly here!
Our first set of kids has been born! Annali had triplets today. Two doelings and one buckling. All are up and drinking and Annali is...
We have added to our farm. After resisting the urge to get some of the super cute baby chicks in all the stores we finally gave up. So...
Escape Artists
When I enetered the barn today I was greeted by three of my goats, but instead of being in their pen they were enjoying eating hay in the...
Spring clean up
Well I am glad that spring has finally arived, I wish it had come with out all the work. Melting snow compined with rain caused some...